Conroe Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Our law firm can defend your rights in Texas
Facing an assault charge involving a family member or a loved one in Texas? You need a criminal defense lawyer who will fight for you. We understand how complicated and serious such charges can be for everyone involved. That’s why we want to be your voice for justice in your domestic violence case.
Our experienced criminal defense domestic violence attorneys at The Webb Firm, P.C. in Conroe can help you every step of the way. Attorney Amanda Webb and her legal team thoroughly understand Texas’ domestic violence laws. That’s because they have extensive experience with such complex cases.
Attorney Webb also brings a unique perspective to the cases she handles. Before she started her own law firm, Webb served as an Assistant District Attorney in Montgomery County. There’s no substitute for such courtroom experience. That’s why we have such a strong track record of success. Case results matter here.
Common domestic violence charges
You can be arrested on the spot in Texas for domestic violence, even if the arresting officer did not witness what happened. All the officer needs is probable cause to arrest you. In general, domestic violence charges fall under “family violence” in the Texas Penal Code. Family violence is defined as:
- Assaulting or threatening a family member with bodily harm
- Assaulting or threatening a boyfriend or girlfriend with bodily harm
- Assaulting or threatening a child with bodily harm
Other charges could apply, especially if they involve allegations of child abuse or injury to a minor. Whatever the circumstances of your case, we’re here to help you.
What is the penalty for a domestic violence conviction?
Penalties for a domestic violence conviction in Texas can vary dramatically from one case to another. The differences often depend on the severity of the injuries sustained by someone, whether the person charged with domestic violence has previously been convicted of another crime and other circumstances.
In general, most domestic violence charges are classified as a felony, the most serious possible criminal charge. Penalties for a felony domestic violence charge in Texas often include:
- 2 to 20 years in prison.
- Up to a $10,000 fine.
In addition, you might also be placed on probation, be required to participate in mandatory programs (anger management, etc.) and might be ordered to have no contact with the victim and lose child custody privileges and other rights in some cases.
Protective orders are also common in domestic violence cases. Often, a judge might decide that someone convicted of domestic violence should have no contact with the victim. As a result, the protective order might prohibit the person convicted of domestic violence from going near the victim’s house or workplace. Violations of protective orders also often result in additional criminal charges.
Why do I need a domestic violence lawyer?
The stakes are high in many domestic violence cases. If convicted, you could find yourself in jail for months or years. You might not be able to see your children for years. Your ability to get a job or live in certain places could be limited as well.
This is why it’s critical that you have an experienced domestic violence attorney on your side, looking out for your best interests. Your lawyer can help you in many different ways. For example, a lawyer can:
- Investigate your case to determine if there was sufficient evidence to charge you with domestic violence.
- Challenge the credibility of testimony by witnesses or the victim.
- Review your arrest report to make sure your rights were respected and not violated by police.
- Represent you in all court appearances related to your domestic violence charges.
- Present evidence that you acted in self-defense.
These are just some of the ways in which a domestic violence attorney can assist you with your case. Every domestic violence charge is different. That’s why we want to work with you to build the strongest possible legal defense on your behalf.
How much does a domestic violence attorney cost?
There’s no set dollar amount for domestic violence lawyers. One attorney might charge more than another. In addition, your particular case may present unique challenges that make it more complicated than other ones.
All of these factors and many more can influence how much it costs to hire a lawyer to defend you. That’s why it’s important to discuss legal fees with your domestic violence attorney up front so there are no surprises later.
However, it’s also important to keep in mind that your freedom and financial future could be on the line if you are convicted of a domestic violence charge. That’s why it often pays to hire a lawyer who knows how to handle such serious, complex legal cases.
You have rights. Our lawyers can fight for them
Arguments between spouses or other family members can sometimes quickly get out of control. There are also often conflicting stories about exactly what happened. We can help you set the record straight and make sure your voice is heard.
Our process often starts with simply listening to you. Tell us exactly what happened in your own words. We can then compare that to the arrest report for the incident. Are there any inconsistencies? Any differences?
Put your trust in a criminal defense lawyer who puts your needs first. Contact us and schedule your free consultation with an attorney who cares about the outcome of your case.